Friday, March 1, 2013

Akai Professional E2 Headrush Get Rabate

Hi Visitor! You are reading this short review of best product Akai Professional E2 Headrush.

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16-bit digital delay 0.5ms to 35 seconds delay times 4-head tape echo simulation Looping recorder: up to 35 seconds Simulated analog delay sound Adjustable repeat times Mix wet and dry signals to output Realtime delay control

Akai Professional nailed it with this one. The E2 Headrush is one part does-it-all delay pedal (we're talking vintage to modern delays here), and it's one part full-featured looper. That means with this baby in your guitar rig, you're going to ready for loop-de-loop mayhem when you want it. Or, you can just pull out those classic tape-style delay sounds... or get it crystal clear with the 16-bit digital delay. P.S. You can tap in the tempo, if that's your thing.

Just by clicking buy button you will get the complete information from this product. Get fast now to take special price of Akai Professional E2 Headrush!

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